101 things to do in 1001 days!!!!
Here we go....
and in no particular order....
1. learn to play the guitar (by ear!)
2. summon the nerve to sing karokee and do it (alcohol is an option here)
3. get paid for photography
4. establish a working business with salvage items
5. run a 1/2 marathon (not win)
6. establish a yearly work out plan (and stick to it)
***7. get a tattoo
8. organize my whole house (room by room)
***9. downsize my closet (really downsize)
10. volunteer with kids in need
11. finish my english degree
12. win a photography contest
13. look for my dream house downtown
***14. read at least 2 books a month
15. start collecting magazine and news clippings that interest me
16. create welcome packets for patients at work
17. print off photos that i love and organize them in photo books or albums
18. start playing the piano again (this includes getting one up here!)
19. get more involved at church
20. write the people i love and tell them why (physically write with stamps and all)
21. go to at least 10 shows/concerts a year (and branch out for some of them)
22. write my family members and send them pics that are hoarded in my computer
23. memorize 1 Bible verse a month and put it to practice
24. go shoot guns with my grandfather and figure out why he is the way he is
25. get kissed in the rain
26. learn to snowboard on my feet not my ass
27. go to the zoo again and take pics of the little guys!
28. visit boston
29. write in my blog weekly
30. become flexible and find a way to do this (yoga?)
31. photograph charleston and my favorite homes there
32. drink at least 32 oz of water EVERY day
33. have a professional facial
34. treat my skin with respect
35. go on a cruise
36. visit a 3rd world country
37. keep my calender updated
38. make curtains for the dining room
39. remember how to sew
40. make a list of 100 things that make me smile
41. pillage something
42. go to at least one yard sale/ junk store/ antique shop a month
43. inspire someone else to make a 101 list
44. get an eye exam
45. tell at least 10 people about my list to hold me accountable
***46. start stopping when i see brown historical signs on interstates (& photograph them)
47. make a realistic budget
48. stick to the budget for 3 months straight
49. complete project 365 (liberal interpretation)
50. be outside at least some portion of everyday (flexible with cold rainy days)
51. cook 1 full meal a week
52. try one new recipe a week
53. go to nashville
54. restore 3 friendships that i have let slide
55. complete a family tree
56. apply to be a guardian ad liem
57. watch gone with the wind and ann of green gables again
58. read all my favorite classic books again (scarlet letter, the great gatsby, to kill a mockingbird, etc...)
59. Complete this whole list or donate $10 for each item not completed
60. save $20 a month in case i don't complete #59
61. start using and finish my perfumes that i have had forever
62. go to the art museum or an art show at least once a month
63. learn to style my hair a new way (1930's style?)
64. start a savings account for travel
65. get a basic knowledge of the stock market and invest something
66. find somewhere local and go horseback riding
67. go dancing or dance at home at least once a month
***68. fix the panel on my car
***69. figure out the right thing and do it and be okay with it
70. complement a stranger at least once a week
71. learn to speak spanish well enough to carry on a conversation without getting odd looks :)
72. read one article a week off the drudge report and forward it to someone
73. try to be nicer to people that piss me off (dear lord this will be a true challenge)
***74. keep a journal of lyrics that i love
75. walk to work at least once a week
76. watch afi's top 100 movies of all time
77. try 5 new things at el rodeo in the next 2 months
78. don't eat out for an entire week
***79. take 100 photos in new orleans
80. deny my craving for el rodeo at least once a month and try something new
81. organize a functional family vacation
82. take a short road trip with someone and do everything we never do (and sing really loud in the car)
83. find and frame a breakfast at tiffany's movie poster
84. start a detailed prayer journal
85. volunteer on a regular basis
86. audit a photography class or learn from a pro
87. organize a street yard sale (if the by-laws allow)
88. find out if the by-laws allow
89. get a great tan without going to trinidad
***90. do something with london at least once a month
91. get and stay in stellar bathing suit shape
92. get up 20 minutes earlier at least once a week
93. visit my fathers grave
94. talk to my older sister at least once a month in some form (email, visit, phone...)
95. get a new car
96. read 2 biographies a year
97. give a 100% tip for stellar service
98. straighten at least one thing a day
99. take a bath once a week
100. leave encouraging notes and verses in random places
101. write a new 101 list!!!