Sunday, March 30, 2008


Africa Hope Center

Today at church Joseph Wamutitu spoke. He is a pastor from Nairobi Kenya and an amazing person. I was once again so inspired, challenged, and encouraged today by hearing him. He started his ministry in Kenya as an outreach with a holistic approach with missions. However, he learned of children that were be orphaned by parents dying of aids. His mission became giving these children hope by offering them a home to live in and a faith to live by. He started the mission with his own money and took in 5 children. Today he has 106 orphans that live at the mission. This man has such a pure giving heart. He teaches these children to give back to others like Christ did. He shared the 5 loaves and 2 fishes passage today and explained how he patterned his ministry after this. By knowing that nothing is impossible for God to do. He also humbly shared how he was such a simple person with no major talents. He said that he was so average, but that he knew by partnering with Christ, he could to anything...and that he has. He used the analogy that any of us would take any opportunity in the world to be partners with Bill Gates (who wouldn't love those resources??) but that we as Christians have such a greater partner. That really hit me. I mean, I would flip if I knew I could be partners with Bill Gates and his fortunes. But, my God has fortunes and resources far beyond the scope of anything I can ever imagine....and all at my finger tips. It is just a matter of faith. And, I need to focus more on that.

My Closet

* 9. downsize my closet (really downsize) *

Well, this we interesting. Emily and Michalyla came over the other day and most certainly helped me do this. I must admit, this was not easy for me. I tend to get rather attached to my clothes and want to hang on to them. Regardless of how horrible they may be. ha. Em and Mic kept holding things up and laughing at me. They actually purged most of my closet while I sat in the corner and pouted. They did a fantastic job I must say and I have not missed a single thing that they threw out.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


New Orleans

* 79. take 100 photos in new orleans*

wow, so i have been a total and complete slacker when it comes to my little blog here. so very sorry. i will be better. so, i went to my favorite city last month and took more photos than anyone really cares to ever look at. its the best city ever to take pictures of. new orleans. i love it. i have about decided to move there. until i do though, here are a few photos of my visit. trust me. my list says take 100 photos.....there are way more than that. here are a few of my favorites.